ChatGPT experiment: Writing Daily Story “Spaghetti x Oseng-Oseng Fusion Food”

SN. Azura
4 min readMar 10, 2023
Photo by Danijela Prijovic on Unsplash

As an eighth-semester student that spends her day reading papers and writing a thesis sometimes I feel bored with these repetitive activities. This situation forces me to try a lot of new things such as cooking and trying this new invention in technology, especially writing called ChatGPT!

[I’m so sorry if I sound a little bit pretentious here, yikes!]

By the way, this story is based on my true story, since I'm confused about what topic should i ask ChatGPT to write. The story will be written in 2 languages which are English and Indonesian. We’ll see how capable is ChatGPT and try to mimic the way humans write. Also, here my character’s name is Jane and told using a third-person point of view.

The story premise:

A story about a college student life where she can’t buy proper food because she is broke at that time after accidentally miscalculating her monthly budget. Then she is forced by the situation to eat spaghetti with Indonesian oseng-oseng as the topping.

The result of ChatGPT generate story:

English version

Keyword: funny Indonesian kind of story of the premise

Once upon a time, there was a broke college student named Jane who accidentally messed up her monthly budget. She was so broke that she couldn’t afford any fancy food, and the only thing she had in her kitchen cabinet was a packet of spaghetti.

Jane was determined to make the most out of her situation, so she started to get creative. She looked for anything that she could use as a spaghetti topping, but all she could find was a jar of Indonesian oseng-oseng, which her roommate had given her.

At first, Jane was hesitant to try the oseng-oseng. She had never heard of it before and didn’t know what to expect. But, being the adventurous person she was, she decided to give it a try anyway.

To her surprise, the oseng-oseng was delicious! It added a unique flavor to the spaghetti that she had never tasted before. She was so excited about her discovery that she started to use oseng-oseng as a topping for all her meals. She even started putting it on her morning toast!

As Jane continued to experiment with oseng-oseng, she realized that she had been missing out on so much. She had been eating plain, boring food all her life when she could have been spicing things up with oseng-oseng all along! She also realized that being broke wasn’t so bad after all. It forced her to get creative and try new things.

From that day on, Jane became known as the oseng-oseng queen on campus. She would walk around with a jar of oseng-oseng in her backpack and put it on everything she ate. Her friends would laugh and make fun of her, but deep down, they were all jealous of her creativity.

In the end, Jane learned that sometimes the best things in life come in unexpected ways, and that being broke can be a blessing in disguise. All it takes is a little bit of creativity and a lot of oseng-oseng!

Bahasa Indonesian version

Keyword: funny Indonesian slang language of the premise

Dulu ada cewek kuliahan miskin bernama Jane, yang gara-gara salah kalkulasi anggaran bulanan jadi nggak bisa beli makanan bermerek. Isinya cuma sebungkus spaghetti doang di lemari dapur.

Tapi Jane nggak putus asa, dia mau mencoba berkreasi. Dia cari-cari apa saja yang bisa jadi topping spaghetti-nya, tapi yang ada cuma botol oseng-oseng yang temen sekamarnya kasih.

Awalnya Jane agak ragu, karena dia belum pernah coba oseng-oseng sebelumnya. Tapi ya udah, biarlah jadi petualangan baru buat si miskin. Dan tau nggak? Ternyata oseng-oseng itu enak banget loh! Bikin spaghetti-nya makin lezat dan berasa beda dari sebelumnya.

Jane langsung kepincut dan jadi rajin pake oseng-oseng buat topping semua makanannya, bahkan buat roti panggang pagi-pagi. Temen-temennya sempet ngakak dan ngeledek Jane, tapi sebenernya iri juga sama kreativitasnya.

Jadi intinya, si miskin Jane jadi terkenal di kampus sebagai ratu oseng-oseng. Dia selalu bawa botol oseng-oseng di tas dan pasangin ke makanannya apa aja. Dan dari situ, Jane belajar bahwa kadang hidup miskin itu nggak selalu buruk, tapi bisa jadi kesempatan buat coba-coba hal baru. Siapa tau nanti bisa jadi juru masak terkenal juga, dengan bantuan oseng-oseng.

So, guys what do you think about the story? Do you like it? Please comment below :)

p.s: someday I'll share the real spaghetti x oseng-oseng picture, if anyone wants to see since it’s not really a good-looking food pic hahaha

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